Recently I got a part-time job. I’ll be working it the three days I’m not at my internship. I hope this doesn’t drive me crazy.

If anything I’ll have more to write about and I can get  non-fiction work re-started.

And I just watched the 25th Anniversary show at the O2 Arena of Les Miserables. Now I can’t stop playing the soundtrack. So good!

My birthday is in15 days This is very exciting.

Zombie…zombie… zombie…

Zombie – The Cranberries


We’ll start off today with a mid-90’s song called Zombie by The Cranberries.

This is undoubtedly because of how late I stayed up last night to interview and watch the performance of a local musician. I drank coffee late last night to stay alert for his performance and I’m paying for it right now, had to drag my feet out of bed at 7:30, and I left for work early so I can get started on finishing one article and starting the next one.

My money situation is scaring me. I haven’t had a paying job since last summer. Jobs up at my school are scarce and 9 times out of 10 you need a car for it, which I did not have while I was away. It’s been so hard to find a part-time job while home. Especially because my hours aren’t very flexible.

I hit a low point last night when I could only put $10 in my empty gas tank. I have no idea when I’m going to be able to put gas in it next, but I hope it lasts me until my last day at my internship tomorrow.

While I think it’s nice of my friends saying they’ll pay for me because they want me to hang out, I just can’t accept it. I’ve got too much pride and I think being flat broke is helping me realize a financial plan for when I do start making money. Almost all of it is going to be put into a savings account that I do not touch. I’ll have to sacrifice a lot, but it’s worth it.

Busy weekend

So my summer internship comes to an end this week.  Quite sad as I will miss it greatly.  I’ve learned a lot. I think I’ve learned how to be more confident and be more independent, relying on instincts rather than asking the assigner of my work to tell me exactly what I need. It also gave me a lot of driving experience, which I never really had even though I’ve had my license for three years now. Since I went away to school, I never realy had the opportunity to drive.

Next week I’m on vacation with my mom and sister. We’re going up to my uncle’s place in Oneonta. My journal is coming up with me. I won’t have internet connection so there will not be any posts.

On August 27th, I start my next internship! I am beyond excited for this one. I am also looking for a part-time job and have three places that look hopeful.  I noticed more job openings are starting up because a lot of college students are leaving back for college. But not me!

It’s starting to feel weird that I am not going back up to school. I wonder how I feel when all my friends Facebook statuses are that they are there. At least it isn’t far and I can maybe go up for weekend trips on top of my trips up for my seminar course.


Since changing my lifestyle, I feel that I am living a more rewarding life.  Everything is better. My attitude, my work ethic (although I’m pretty sure I get my work ethic from my dad, who probably works harder than anyone I’ve ever met), and finally my health.

This morning I woke up with full-blown allergies. The stuffy nose, the sinus headache, tunnel hearing, itchy eyes, the whole works. But I forced my way out of bed and got in a half hour of intense workout. (The Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred)

And even though I still have my allergies, I’m feeling a lot better.  I’m also waiting for this Zyrtec to kick in.

Writing is becoming much easier now. I’m in a creative flow. I like this. I hope it stays.

Okay, enough of my random chatter. I just wanted to talk.


Busy body.

I love reading books.  You pick up a book, open the cover, and read chapter 1. It’s sometimes the hardest chapter to read because you may not have a feel for the book or characters yet.  But,, you read on and finish that book.

I’m saying this because I am starting a journey to become healthier.  It’s a tough rigorous journey and it’s going to take a lot of my time up.  So don’t expect a lot of talk from me for a bit.

Let’s wish me luck!


If you’ve turned on any device that can connect you to the news, you’ve heard of the tragic shooting at the Aurora, Colorado movie theater during the midnight screening of The Dark Knight Rises.

I’ve been watching NPR’s coverage of it since they have been focusing on the events chronologically.

I came across this:

A Litany of Victims: Dispatch Tapes Reveal Chaos, Bloodshed of Mass Shooting: The Two-Way NPR

Absolutely horrifying, and I thank NPR for getting the dispatch tapes. It really gives insight to the intensity of the situation and the organization of the police during this horrible incident.

I will update this post with other coverage I find that is good.

Funny and Useful Journotips.

Yes, I am making journotips a word. Journalists can do that.

So any journalist or anyone interested in newsy things (ah the dreaded thing word…) should check out a couple of sites I’ve been really digging lately.

This blog right here gets some good tips for journalism in the social media age.

Shout out to Ivan Lajara, who works for the Daily Freeman and also is the Engagement Editor for Digital Media First’s. This is his pinterest (pinboard?) He’s very clever. I’ve met him a few times up at my college, and have learned a great deal from him! His boards are HILARIOUS. He features a lot of memes, cats, and useful tips.  Also he lists great case-studies of journalism/news gone BAD.

Lajara also operates this PERFECT Tumblr. It’s incomparably the best thing ever for journalists. It’s cats, man. That’s all I’ll tell you right now, because you NEED to click on it and view it’s greatness.  BOW TO IT.

I’ve mentioned this next Tumblr before in a past post. Frustrated Journalist Cat.  Being a journalist is hellishly stressful, but like the Tumblr above this one, cats just make it better.  LOLS COMMENCE.

I’ll post some more later. You know what, I’ll just add a computer-assisted reporting page to my blog. Don’t need that clogging up my posts every so often.

Writing the rights of rites?

Haha, okay the title is a joke.  But it’s only a joke for me and my sillyness.

Anyway, yesterday was my meeting in the city.  My website idea is good but I need to start getting serious about it if it’ll ever work.  I’m going to ask some of my most trusted and creative friends/family to sort of work with me.  Some friends I can springboard ideas off of at a rapid-fire.

I also really want to get my other blog idea started, a literary journalism online magazine.  There are so many of them out there but I think if it features fresh quality work, it can happen, plus, I’ll send the link to colleagues/peers of mine.  And my LinkedIn.

So, anyway back to yesterday in the city.

I don’t know if I’ve shared this before, but, I am so directionally challenged.

I need to use a map to get anywhere in the city (and I never drive without my GPS).

I have no idea as to why I do not possess the talent of knowing where the hell to go, but I sure wish I had it.

Yesterday wasn’t so bad though, I walked in the wrong direction a few times and looked at a map the wrong way which led me in the opposite direction of Penn, but that’s okay, I eventually got there and didn’t miss my train.

Speaking of the LIRR, the air condition wasn’t working in the car and it was so hot.  The LIRR worker kept trying to get it to start and he totally didn’t clip my ticket. So yay, I get a free ride!  This is especially good because I accidentally purchased the wrong station and also under off-peak hours.  But I was traveling on peak. Thank you Mr. LIRR guy. Even though it was hotter than how the Internet feels about Kate Upton, a free ride is always nice too.  Especially since the LIRR is super expensive.

Okay, no one likes long posts, but I wanted to prattle on.



So I want to beef up my blog.

And talk about interesting things rather than just posting my accomplishments and so on.

I have a lot of ideas but I think if I do them all it would just make my blog look bipolar.

I need an angle.

An answer to the question as why would people want to read my blog.

Why do you? Anyway?

ESA Article

First off, let me start with I did not write this article.

BUT…I was here!

If you scroll a few blog posts down, you’ll find my recant about the East Side Access Tunnel project.  One of the journalists on the trip covered it and wrote up  a great all-encompassing story.

Give it a read HERE so you understand the technicality of the project as well as its developments and importance.


You won’t be sorry!