
I’m barely finding the time to finish all that needs to be done.

Next Tuesday I’m going to the city to pitch my website idea. I’ve barely worked on it and I want it to look good.

But I also have a paper due for my online class that I haven’t started working on and of course my internship.

I’m still on the job hunt for a part-time job.  I need to make money or I won’t be able to do anything.  It’s so frustrating.  I just want to graduate already so I can concentrate on getting a full-time job, and one that I can make a career out of.


Big project!

I’m currently working on a  big project!  I’m super excited and I have about three weeks to get it into a pitch.  I’ve enlisted my tech-savvy and incredibly intelligent brother to help me and so far he likes my idea.

But that’s all I can say here.

Tomorrow is my trip to the East Side Access Tunnel, going to have to take a lot of mental notes.



So honored.

My editor called me into his office today to talk about a little field trip I get to go on.

For years, the LIRR and MTA have been working on creating an East Side Access Tunnel.  Lots of Long Island commuters work on the east side of NYC but have to go all the way to the west side of the city to Penn Station because there is no stop before then.

The East Side Access Tunnel will stop of course on the east side, and then I believe direct to Grand Central Station.

The LIRR/MTA have invited my paper to tour the tunnels in progress, which are not expected to be completed until 2019.

So on June 27th I get the opportunity to tour the tunnel.  This is a privilege!  Few people have ever gone down there besides the workers.

I’m truly blessed!

And on June 30th I’m going sky diving for the first time, but that is a present my sister and brother chipped in for.  Spectacular.

I feel really comfortable here and am so grateful to have found this internship.  Now back to work! 😛

Who knew?

Who knew I’d be so busy at home?

I’ve barely been on my computer which is such a drastic change for me.  I’m still trying to get settled in to living at home again.


Fear not.  In my absence I have been getting a taste for the world.  And whenever that happens the ideas start popping out of the old noggin.  I’m already waist deep in story ideas.

On a side note, I’m going skydiving on June 30th.  One of the biggest pieces of advice I got from my professors were to go out and have experiences, because that is the only way you can write.  I can’t wait for this.

Just two years ago I would cry if I had to climb up a ladder because of the height.  Last summer, nipped my fear of heights in the butt by ziplining. And in January I went indoor skydiving.  But next month it’s the REAL deal.  And I cannot wait to talk about it and its impact on my life.

Frustrated Journalist Cat

Brilliant, just brilliant!

Welcome to the world of memes Frustrated Journalist Cat!  Found you on tumblr.  Everyone should check it out, it’s great!

Click here!

Started a new blog!

I always get really excited when I find little post-it notes or lists that have been lost.  I think it’s an interesting sneak peak into a strangers life.  I also like to leave little inspirational post-its in random places, like bathrooms and in between library books.

The site can be found here:

I’m also working on creating a literary blog, where writers can submit literary work, preferably with a journalistic twist.  This is inspired by my Literature of Journalism professor.

Help out!


If you’d like to help me raise money for my club the Bring Suicide Out of the Darkness club, click the above.  Our walk is on May 5th! Hope to see you there!

It’s over but not forgotten!

Me, Fred Seibert, Sarah Sobel, Gregg Bray, and Bill Sobel. Photo courtesy of Miriam Ward.

Love this picture we took on Thursday night from our Keynote Speaker event! Communication and Media Week went so great and I’m so happy everything worked out smooth! Maybe next year I’ll be able to come back and this time be a part of the Alumni Panel!