Good Times

We’re approaching the tail end of January.  And when things come to an end we become very reflective. Sometimes, without realizing it.

I have to start out with saying how proud I am of myself. A vain statement, but for the struggle I’ve endured the past year, these last two months have really brightened my life. I am happy and on my way to the success I have always strived for. I’ve been working hard but I enjoy it. I celebrated my recent accomplishments by buying my dream laptop. My old laptop died right after Hurricane Sandy (or Tropical Storm). I used my sisters laptop up until now. It feels great to have my own personal machine to get things done.

I’m finally reaching a point in my life where everything is coming together. I can plan for big things now and that is already a nice sentiment to look forward to.

Here is hoping everyone  finds the success they have worked hard for and searched for. It can be a long or short road, bumpy or smooth. The important part is to just keep going.

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