
I attended the Cable Mavericks Masters Forum yesterday at the Paley Center in NYc yesterday.  What a fantastic experience!  I took pages and pages of notes of the advice industry professionals were giving during panel.  You always feel reassured when you hear about high-level professionals and the feelings of doubt and trepidation they had when they started out.  I’m very grateful to have that experience and will take what I learned and apply it immediately to my life.


Over the next week, I’ll be adding some more publications to the Featured Publications page.  I’ve already added a bunch so you should check it out!

Much better.

I like this theme, the basic magazine, much better.  I’m just going to learn how to tweak it a bit so it’s perfect.  I will also be updating my publications page later tonight with both published and unpublished work.

I am also attending the Cable Mavericks Masters Forum this Friday in the city.  Got to work on my interview answers, but I’m nonetheless ecstatic and excited to be attending.

Changed my theme

Is this one better?  Need feedback.  I don’t want to post until I have that’s perfect.  Also midterms are coming up and I’m overwhelmingly burdened by work at the moment and need to use my time wisely. 

Happy internetting!