Paper comes out tomorrow!

I’ll have another article in the printed edition of the Long Island Press, but here’s one that I covered today.

The new Barclays Center in Brooklyn is sure to attract a lot of Long Islanders to its concerts and events. The Long Island Railroad is adding more trains to the Atlantic Avenue terminal.


Check out my coverage here!


Funny and Useful Journotips.

Yes, I am making journotips a word. Journalists can do that.

So any journalist or anyone interested in newsy things (ah the dreaded thing word…) should check out a couple of sites I’ve been really digging lately.

This blog right here gets some good tips for journalism in the social media age.

Shout out to Ivan Lajara, who works for the Daily Freeman and also is the Engagement Editor for Digital Media First’s. This is his pinterest (pinboard?) He’s very clever. I’ve met him a few times up at my college, and have learned a great deal from him! His boards are HILARIOUS. He features a lot of memes, cats, and useful tips.  Also he lists great case-studies of journalism/news gone BAD.

Lajara also operates this PERFECT Tumblr. It’s incomparably the best thing ever for journalists. It’s cats, man. That’s all I’ll tell you right now, because you NEED to click on it and view it’s greatness.  BOW TO IT.

I’ve mentioned this next Tumblr before in a past post. Frustrated Journalist Cat.  Being a journalist is hellishly stressful, but like the Tumblr above this one, cats just make it better.  LOLS COMMENCE.

I’ll post some more later. You know what, I’ll just add a computer-assisted reporting page to my blog. Don’t need that clogging up my posts every so often.