Changed my theme

Is this one better?  Need feedback.  I don’t want to post until I have that’s perfect.  Also midterms are coming up and I’m overwhelmingly burdened by work at the moment and need to use my time wisely. 

Happy internetting!

Not lazy.

I’m not lazy, just been busy because my laptop went down and I had to reboot everything.  Still trying to get everything back to normal.

Working on a little something.

I’m writing an editorial piece for my Public Affairs Reporting class about the NYSUNY 2020 legislation.  Although I am still researching my materials and gathering information, I’m really writing with a strong voice.  I feel this will be one of my best articles in a while.  I had been dreading this article because I’m not very savvy when presented with a lot of numbers, but I found my story, and I think it’s quite good.  Perhaps I’ll submit it to one of the schools’ publications and see if either of them pick it up.

Oh and one more thing.

Bear with my on the whole sparse looking site.  The internet barely ever works in my dorm, so when I do get a signal I’m usually doing something for homework, or perusing Facebook.  It’s getting there.  It is fun to watch the website transform step by step.  Looking forward to the finished product.

Signing off,


Quick Quip

Reading text for my Copy Editing and Layout Class.  I just wanted to note that I now know the difference between Serif and Sans Serif.  This greatly pleases me.  I think it is interesting because of how copy editors use it to distinguish text type from that of cutlines.

I’m still learning a great deal, and every day as well.  I feel ready for whatever is out there.  But I will never stop learning.  There is no living without learning.

Anyone agree?

This Could Be the Start of Something.

For my 20th birthday, my brother got me this website.  He knows how much I love to write and my aspirations as a journalist. I am beyond excited to be using this and learn as much as I can.

So, I plan on writing editorial pieces, posting my published work, and aggregating news I find interesting.  If you have any story ideas, please feel free to contact me.

See you later,

Laura Cerrone